Sunday, September 2, 2007

Watch your ass

This is a message to all of you cyclists. You are not a fucking CAR!!!

Don't get me wrong, I am all for the preservation of the earth, and I know that riding a bike is healthy for you, and I enjoy riding myself, but use your god damn head when your on the road. I know and understand that we have to share the road as there is no where else for you to ride, but I am not about to get charged with vehicular homicide so you can lolly gag back and forth on the road enjoying the damn birds. In my car I am bigger than you and I have absolutely no frickin idea what your doing out there so don't start weaving or riding in the middle of the road. This also applies to the scooter riders as well.

1 comment:

Jenny Jenny Flannery said...

Goddamn birdwatching environmentalist! Stick to the side streets, sunshine!


I guess I'm saying: word.