Sunday, August 5, 2007

Beer Of The Week

Somewhat local but very excellent. One of the better summer beers I've had on tap, but it is excellent any time of year. It also comes in a in a 22oz. bottle for when you are good and thirsty. It's golden in color with a light body and an excellent finish.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Haven't had it yet, but sounds yummy! I'll look for it next trip to the big beer store.

Morris "Mo" Wanchuk said...

It's excellent. An it comes in a big ass bottle too.

Major Bedhead said...

Dood, Steel Rail is not a summer beer. They make that all year long.

Morris "Mo" Wanchuk said...

I know they make it all year round but it still a summer beer. It has the same flavors as expected from a summer beer.